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GeneralizedPetersenGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
GeneralizedPetersenGraph[n, k] returns the generalized Petersen graph, for integers n > 1 and k > 0, which is the graph with vertices {u_1, u_2, ..., u_n} and {v_1, v_2, ..., ...
GraphPolynomial   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
GraphPolynomial[n, x] returns a polynomial in x in which the coefficient of x^m is the number of nonisomorphic graphs with n vertices and m edges. GraphPolynomial[n, x, ...
GridGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
GridGraph[n, m] constructs an n*m grid graph, the product of paths on n and m vertices. GridGraph[p, q, r] constructs a p*q*r grid graph, the product of GridGraph[p, q] and a ...
IncidenceMatrix   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
IncidenceMatrix[g] returns the (0, 1)-matrix of graph g, which has a row for each vertex and a column for each edge and (v, e) = 1 if and only if vertex v is incident upon ...
KSubsetGroup   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
KSubsetGroup[pg, s] returns the group induced by a permutation group pg on the set s of k-subsets of [n], where n is the index of pg. The optional argument Type can be ...
ListNecklaces   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
ListNecklaces[n, c, Cyclic] returns all distinct necklaces whose beads are colored by colors from c. Here c is a list of n, not necessarily distinct colors, and two colored ...
MakeDirected   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
MakeDirected[g] constructs a directed graph from a given undirected graph g by replacing each undirected edge in g by two directed edges pointing in opposite directions.
NecklacePolynomial   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NecklacePolynomial[n, c, Cyclic] returns a polynomial in the colors in c whose coefficients represent numbers of ways of coloring an n-bead necklace with colors chosen from ...
NumberOfNecklaces   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NumberOfNecklaces[n, nc, Cyclic] returns the number of distinct ways in which an n-bead necklace can be colored with nc colors, assuming that two colorings are equivalent if ...
OrbitInventory   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
OrbitInventory[ci, x, w] returns the value of the cycle index ci when each formal variable x[i] is replaced by w. OrbitInventory[ci, x, weights] returns the inventory of ...
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