In three dimensions, just as in two dimensions, you can give various graphics directives to specify how the different elements in a graphics object should be rendered. All ...
ExclusionsStyle is an option to plotting functions that specifies how to render subregions excluded according to Exclusions.
OpenCLLink allows Mathematica to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into Mathematica. ...
Mathematica 's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes it possible to mix programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica Drawing ...
lhs :> rhs or lhs :> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs, evaluating rhs only after the rule is used.
A graph with a certain property can often be built starting from another graph. They may be a subgraph of a larger graph, they can be incrementally modified by deleting or ...
Mathematica's unified architecture allows every aspect of Mathematica's interface to be controlled and specified programmatically using the symbolic constructs and functions ...
BoxBaselineShift is an option for AdjustmentBox that specifies how much the baseline of the box should be shifted relative to those of neighboring characters.
CellBracketOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies settings for cell brackets.
NotebookDelete[notebook] deletes the current selection in the notebook corresponding to the specified notebook object. NotebookDelete[] deletes the current selection in the ...