Mathematica usually works by taking whatever input you give, and then processing it. Sometimes, however, you may want to have a program you write explicitly request more ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Line[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a line joining a sequence of points. Line[{{pt_11, pt_12, ...}, {pt_21, ...}, ...}] represents a collection of ...
MeshStyle is an option for Plot3D, DensityPlot, and other plotting functions that specifies the style in which to draw a mesh.
ParameterEstimator is an option to EstimatedDistribution and FindDistributionParameters that specifies what parameter estimator to use.
MinimumVertexCover[g] finds a minimum vertex cover of graph g.
MedianMethod is an option for MultivariateMedianDeviation that specifies the multivariate median to use.
ColumnLines is an option for the low-level function GridBox which specifies whether lines should be drawn between adjacent columns.
Continue[] exits to the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While in a procedural program.
RowLines is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies whether lines should be drawn between adjacent rows.
Derivatives is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies an expression that evaluates to a list containing the function and its first ...