DefaultButton[] represents an OK button that closes a dialog, and is the default when DynamicBox[ToBoxes[If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOSX", "Return", "Enter"], StandardForm], ...
DirectoryName["name"] extracts the directory name from the specification for a file.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Extract[expr, list] extracts the part of expr at the position specified by list. Extract[expr, {list_1, list_2, ...}] extracts a list of parts of expr. Extract[expr, list, h] ...
FindLibrary[lib] finds a dynamic library that can be loaded by LibraryFunctionLoad.
FunctionInterpolation[expr, {x, x_min, x_max}] evaluates expr with x running from x_min to x_max and constructs an InterpolatingFunction object which represents an ...
InverseFunction[f] represents the inverse of the function f, defined so that InverseFunction[f][y] gives the value of x for which f[x] is equal to y. InverseFunction[f, n, ...
Legended[expr, lbl] indicates that a legend entry for expr should be created, with label lbl.
LinkObject["name", n_1, n_2] is an object that represents an active MathLink connection for functions such as LinkRead and LinkWrite.
MaxFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the maximum in its range r neighborhood. MaxFilter[data, r] applies max filtering to an array of data.
OwnValues[x] gives the rule corresponding to any ownvalue defined for the symbol x.