Unicode: 2318. Alias: Esc cl Esc. Letter-like form. Used on Macintosh and other computers to indicate command keys.
Unicode: F3B1. Alias: Esc cont Esc. Structural element. Used at the end of a line of input to indicate that the expression on that line continues onto the next line. ...
Unicode: 2210. Alias: Esc coprod Esc. Infix operator. x ∐ y is by default interpreted as Coproduct[x,y]. ∐ x is by default interpreted as Coproduct[x]. Coproduct is used as ...
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 2323. Infix operator. x ⌣ y is by default interpreted as Cup[x,y]. Used in pure mathematics to mean cup product.
Unicode: 03B5. Aliases: Esc ce Esc, Esc cepsilon Esc. Greek letter. Not the same as \[Element]. Used in physics for Fermi energy and dielectric constant.
Unicode: 03D6. Aliases: Esc cp Esc, Esc cpi Esc. Greek letter. Not commonly used, except in astronomy.
Unicode: 03D1. Aliases: Esc cq Esc, Esc cth Esc, Esc ctheta Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for EllipticTheta and RiemannSiegelTheta.
Unicode: 2138. Alias: Esc da Esc. Hebrew letter. Sometimes called daleth. Used occasionally in pure mathematics in the theory of transfinite cardinals.
Unicode: 22F1. Letter-like form. Used to indicate omitted elements in a matrix. Not the same as \[Continuation].
Unicode: 2300. Letter-like form. Used in geometry. Not the same as \[CapitalOSlash] or \[EmptySet].