"InsertMatchingParentheses" is a front end token that inserts a pair of matched parentheses at the insertion point.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Install" is a front end token that opens the Install dialog box to install a palette, .mx file, MathLink program, package, or stylesheet.
"MakeSelectionNotSpan" is a front end token that makes the selection not span a matrix.
"MakeSelectionSpan" is a front end token that makes the selection span a matrix.
"MoveExpressionEnd" is a front end token that ends the most recent subexpression.
"MoveNextCell" is a front end token that moves the insertion point down by one cell.
"MoveToBack" is a front end token that moves selected graphics to the back of the display.
"MoveToFront" is a front end token that moves selected graphics to the front of the display.
"NewColumn" is a front end token that adds a new column after the insertion point.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "New" is a front end token that creates a new notebook.