(Mathematica Front End Token) "Save" is a front end token saves the current notebook.
"SaveRename" is a front end token that opens the Save As dialog box to save a file.
"SelectAll" is a front end token that selects all the cells in the current notebook.
"SelectionAnimate" is a front end token that animates selected graphics, typically in a cell group.
"SelectionCloseAllGroups" is a front end token that closes all groups and subgroups within the selection.
"SelectionCloseUnselectedCells" is a front end token that closes all unselected cells within a cell group.
"SelectionHelpDialog" is a front end token that opens the Documentation Center.
"SelectionOpenAllGroups" is a front end token that opens all groups and subgroups within the selection.
"SelectionSaveSpecial" is a front end token that opens the Save As dialog for saving a selection.
"SelectionSetFind" is a front end token that places the selected string into the Search for: field of the Find dialog.