"SelectTerminalWindow" is a front end token that opens a terminal window to the machine specified by a kernel name.
"ShowPageBreaks" is a front end token that displays page breaks on screen as they would be printed.
"SimilarCellBelow" is a front end token that creates a new cell of the same style below the current cell.
"StackWindows" is a front end token that arranges windows in a uniform overlapping stack on the screen.
"Subscript" is a front end token that creates a SubscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"SubsessionEvaluateCells" is a front end token that evaluates the selected cells in a kernel subsession.
"Superscript" is a front end token that creates a SuperscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"SystemPrintOptionsDialog" is a front end token that opens the Page Setup dialog.
"TileWindowsTall" is a front end token that arranges all windows to fit on the screen, preferring height over width.
"TileWindowsWide" is a front end token that arranges all windows to fit on the screen, preferring width over height.