Screen Environment determines which style environment to use for onscreen display.
Send To launches your email application to email a notebook (Windows only).
Show Ruler toggles ruler display along the top of a notebook.
Show Toolbar toggles toolbar display along the top of a notebook.
Welcome Screen opens the Welcome Screen, which appears by default each time you start Mathematica.
Wrap at Paper Width wraps lines at the width of the paper currently specified by the print settings.
Wrap at Window Width wraps lines at the width of the window containing the text.
ColorSetter[color] represents a color setter which displays as a swatch of the specified color and when clicked brings up a system color picker ...
patt /; test is a pattern which matches only if the evaluation of test yields True. lhs :> rhs /; test represents a rule which applies only if the evaluation of test yields ...
ContourLabels is an option for contour plots that specifies how to label contours.