ContourStyle is an option for contour plots that specifies the style in which contour lines or surfaces should be drawn.
CriticalSection[{var_1, var_2, ...}, expr] locks the variables var_i with respect to parallel computation, evaluates expr, then releases the var_i.
ImageCrop[image] crops image by removing borders of uniform color. ImageCrop[image, {w, h}] crops image to pixel width w and pixel height h.ImageCrop[image, size] crops image ...
InverseBetaRegularized[s, a, b] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function.
InverseErf[s] gives the inverse error function obtained as the solution for z in s = erf(z).
InverseGammaRegularized[a, s] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete gamma function.
MachinePrecision is a symbol used to indicate machine-number precision.
PlotStyle is an option for plotting and related functions that specifies styles in which objects are to be drawn.
ProgressIndicator[x] represents a progress indicator with setting x in the range 0 to 1. ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting to be the dynamically updated current ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinc[z] gives sinc(z).