(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/x-portable-pixmap PPM color raster image format. Member of the Portable family of image formats. Related to PBM and PGM. Implements a subset of the PNM ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: model/vrml VRML geometry format. Early standard for delivering 3D content on the web. Stores 3D geometries, background images, light source, and view ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Mathematica WDX data format. Used by the Mathematica system for storing and exchanging expressions and data. WDX is an acronym derived from Wolfram Data Exchange. Binary ...
"CopySpecial" is a front end token that converts the selection to a specified format and copies it to the clipboard.
"EvaluateCells" is a front end token that sends the selected cells to the kernel for evaluation.
"Evaluate" is a front end token that evaluates the selection in place.
"EvaluatorInterrupt" is a front end token that interrupts the specified kernel and opens the Local Kernel Interrupt dialog.
"FrontEndQuit" is a front end token that causes the front end to quit.
"InsertNewGraphic" is a front end token that inserts an empty graphic into the input notebook.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Paste" is a front end token that pastes the current contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.