LightPink represents a light pink color in graphics or style specifications.
LightPurple represents a light purple color in graphics or style specifications.
LightRed represents a light red color in graphics or style specifications.
LightYellow represents a light yellow color in graphics or style specifications.
LocalizeVariables is an option to Manipulate that determines whether the values of variables associated with controls should be localized.
MexicanHatWavelet[] represents the Mexican hat wavelet of width 1.MexicanHatWavelet[\[Sigma]] represents the Mexican hat wavelet of width \[Sigma].
MousePosition[] gives the current mouse position in the notebook front end. MousePosition["coords"] gives the mouse position with respect to the specified coordinate ...
OpenWrite["file"] opens a file to write output to it, and returns an OutputStream object. OpenWrite[] opens a new file in the default area for temporary files on your ...
OperatingSystem is an option for file and related operations that specifies the type of operating system to use to determine file name and other conventions.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Options[symbol] gives the list of default options assigned to a symbol. Options[expr] gives the options explicitly specified in a particular expression such as a graphics ...