IncludedScriptContexts is an option to GUIRun and related functions that can extend the active $ContextPath that Script blocks within a definition will use.
InitialArguments is an option to Widget which specifies the argument list to use when instantiating this widget definition.
Cascade is a setting of ModulationType, an option of function FrequencyModulation.
Parallel is a setting of ModulationType, an option of function FrequencyModulation.
RingModulation is an option to AmplitudeModulation which specifies whether to use ring modulation.
BiconnectedComponents[g] gives a list of the biconnected components of graph g. If g is directed, the underlying undirected graph is used.
BiconnectedQ[g] yields True if graph g is biconnected. If g is directed, the underlying undirected graph is used.
EdgeColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge coloring of graph g.
MinimumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of graph g.
NumberOfTableaux[p] uses the hook length formula to count the number of Young tableaux with shape defined by partition p.