Widget["Tree"] represents a tree.
Sawtooth is a type of waveform.
Square is a type of waveform.
$BenchmarkSystems gives the names of systems for which the MathematicaMark8 benchmark data is known.
EasterSunday[year] gives the date of Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar system.
AcyclicQ[g] yields True if graph g is acyclic.
AddVertex[g] adds one disconnected vertex to graph g. AddVertex[g, v] adds to g a vertex with coordinates specified by v.
ApproximateVertexCover[g] produces a vertex cover of graph g whose size is guaranteed to be within twice the optimal size.
Automorphisms[g] gives the automorphism group of the graph g.
BipartiteQ[g] yields True if graph g is bipartite.