ToCCodeString[symbolicC] generates a string of C code from a symbolic C expression.
As of Version 8, much of the functionality covered by Combinatorica has been implemented in the Mathematica kernel. BooleanAlgebra CodeToLabeledTree HasseDiagram ...
MultipleListPlot is replaced by ListPlot and ListLinePlot, which now accept multiple sets of data. Dashing[{Dot,Dash,LongDash}] is replaced with ...
All functionality from Statistics`LinearRegression` is available in the built-in Mathematica kernel.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Minitab portable worksheet format. Statistical data format. Used for exchanging and archiving statistical data. MTP is an acronym derived from Minitab Portable Worksheet. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/pict Macintosh graphics format. Was the original metafile format of the Apple Macintosh. PICT is an acronym derived from Picture. Can store raster images and ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) TLE geospatial file format. Satellite data format. Stores Keplerian parameters of satellite orbits. TLE is an acronym for Two Line Element. ASCII format. Developed by the ...
Registered MIME type: application/xhtml+xml XHTML with embedded MathML. Plain text XML format. Describes the structure and aspects of the appearance of web pages, including ...
AiryBiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Airy function Bi^\[Prime] (z).
BorelTannerDistribution[\[Alpha], n] represents a Borel\[Dash]Tanner distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and n.