CFunction[type, name, args, body] is a symbolic representation of a function definition.CFunction[type, name, args] is a symbolic representation of a function declaration.
COperator[oper, arg_1, ...] is a symbolic representation of an operator.
CPreprocessorIfdef[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor ifdef conditional.CPreprocessorIfdef[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
CStandardMathOperator[oper, args] is a symbolic representation of a standard math operator.
CSwitch[cond, statements] is a symbolic representation of a switch statement.
New functions CountRoots, IsolatingInterval, and RootIntervals have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. IsolatingInterval includes the functionality of ...
ContourPlot3D and ListContourPlot3D have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
All of the functionality in Graphics`PlotField` has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
Distributions defined in this package are included in the newly created Multivariate Statistics Package. Random and RandomArray are replaced by RandomInteger. ...
Distributions defined in this package are included in the newly created Multivariate Statistics Package. Random and RandomArray are replaced by RandomReal. CovarianceMatrix ...