NSolve gives you a general way to find numerical approximations to the solutions of polynomial equations. Finding numerical solutions to more general equations, however, can ...
The Padé approximation is a rational function that can be thought of as a generalization of a Taylor polynomial. A rational function is the ratio of polynomials. Because ...
Total differentiation operations. When you find the derivative of some expression f with respect to x, you are effectively finding out how fast f changes as you vary x. Often ...
If the front end activation dialog box appears when you launch Mathematica, either Mathematica could not locate the mathpass file or there was no valid password in the ...
DatabaseLink provides a number of functions for connection to an SQL database. It also supports a resource mechanism that allows the details of how the connection is set up ...
KernelLink -- communicate with a Mathematica kernel, MathLink -- low-level methods for communicating with any MathLink program, MathLinkFactory -- create links, ...
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) int MLMain (int argc, char ** argv) sets up communication between an external program started using Install and Mathematica.
int MLPutByteString (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, int n) puts a string of n characters starting from location s to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MinStableDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma], \[Xi]] represents a generalized minimum extreme value distribution with location parameter \[Mu], scale parameter \[Sigma], and shape ...
StudentTDistribution[\[Nu]] represents a Student t distribution with \[Nu] degrees of freedom.StudentTDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma], \[Nu]] represents a Student t distribution ...