HighlightedEdgeStyle is an option to Highlight that determines how the highlighted edges are drawn.
HighlightedVertexStyle is an option to Highlight that determines how the highlighted vertices are drawn.
Hypercube[n] constructs an n-dimensional hypercube.
IdentityPermutation[n] gives the size-n identity permutation.
IndependentSetQ[g, i] yields True if the vertices in list i define an independent set in graph g.
InduceSubgraph[g, s] constructs the subgraph of graph g induced by the list of vertices s.
InitializeUnionFind[n] initializes a union-find data structure for n elements.
IntervalGraph[l] constructs the interval graph defined by the list of intervals l.
InversePermutation[p] yields the multiplicative inverse of permutation p.
Inversions[p] counts the number of inversions in permutation p.