RobertsonGraph returns a 19-vertex graph that is the unique (4, 5)-cage graph.
SelfComplementaryQ[g] yields True if graph g is self-complementary, meaning it is isomorphic to its complement.
SelfLoopsQ[g] yields True if graph g has self-loops.
SignaturePermutation[p] gives the signature of permutation p.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) SimpleQ[g] yields True if g is a simple graph, meaning it has no multiple edges and contains no self-loops.
SmallestCyclicGroupGraph returns a smallest nontrivial graph whose automorphism group is cyclic.
StronglyConnectedComponents[g] gives the strongly connected components of directed graph g as lists of vertices.
TableauQ[t] yields True if and only if t represents a Young tableau.
Tableaux[p] constructs all tableaux having a shape given by integer partition p.
TransitiveQ[g] yields True if graph g defines a transitive relation.