Characteristic[f] gives the characteristic of the field f.
ReduceElement[e] gives a field element in reduced form.
ActiveInputAliases[] returns a list of all active aliases in the current notebook. ActiveInputAliases[notebook] returns a list of all active aliases in the notebook notebook.
RemoveInfixNotation[op, func] removes the infix operator op.
RemoveSymbolize[boxes] removes the symbolization of boxes.
SolarSchwarzschildRadius is a physical constant.
WeakMixingAngle is a physical constant.
(Quaternions Package Symbol) AbsIJK[q] gives the absolute value of the pure quaternion part of q.
AdjustedSignIJK[q] gives the sign of the pure quaternion part of q, adjusted so its first nonzero component is positive.
FromQuaternion[q] transforms the Quaternion object q to the symbolic form a + I b + J c + K d.