SQLResultSetColumnNames[rs] returns a list of {table, column} pairs for each column in a result set.
SQLResultSets[] returns a list of the open SQLResultSet objects.
SQLSchemaInformation[conn] returns information about the schemas available through an SQL connection.
ToPackedArray[expr] uses packed arrays if possible in the internal representation of expr.
When you write programs in Mathematica, there are various ways to document your code. As always, by far the best thing is to write clear code, and to name the objects you ...
In addition to the ordinary characters that appear on a standard keyboard, you can include in Mathematica strings any of the special characters that are supported by ...
EulerRatio is an option to EulerSum which specifies the parameter to use in the generalized Euler transformation.
FrontEndToken["cmd"] is an object which represents a front end command token, typically corresponding to a front end menu item, to be executed by FrontEndExecute. ...
CallingConvention is an option to DefineDLLFunction that specifies what calling convention the DLL function uses.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sphere[{x, y, z}, r] represents a sphere of radius r centered at (x, y, z). Sphere[{x, y, z}] represents a sphere of radius 1. Sphere[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}, ...