ZeroTest is an option to various linear algebra functions that gives a function to use in testing whether symbolic expressions should be treated as zero.
GetComplexClass[] returns the Java class used for complex numbers sent from, and returned to, Mathematica.
GetJVM[link] returns the JVM expression that corresponds to link, which was returned from InstallJava.
LoadedJavaClasses[] returns a list of the classes currently loaded into Java by Mathematica.
SetComplexClass[classname] specifies the Java class to use for complex numbers sent from, and returned to, Mathematica.
LanguageSyntax is an option to NETTypeInfo that specifies which language syntax will be used to display the type information.
BooleanGraph[bfunc, g_1, ..., g_n] gives the Boolean graph defined by the Boolean function bfunc on the graphs g_1, ..., g_n.
In an expression like f[{a,b,c}] you are giving a list as the argument to a function. Often you need instead to apply a function directly to the elements of a list, rather ...
Nested logical and piecewise functions can be expanded out much like nested arithmetic functions. You can do this using LogicalExpand and PiecewiseExpand. Expanding out ...
When installing MathLM and Mathematica on a Linux system, you may need to mount the CD or DVD. Mathematica is available for Linux on DVD. MathLM is available for Linux ...