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DihedralGroup   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DihedralGroup[n] returns the dihedral group on n symbols. Note that the order of this group is 2 n.
Dihedral   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Dihedral is an argument to the Polya-theoretic functions ListNecklaces, NumberOfNecklaces, and NecklacePolynomial, which count or enumerate distinct necklaces. Dihedral ...
Distances   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Distances[g, v] returns the distances in nondecreasing order from vertex v to all vertices in g, treating g as an unweighted graph.
DominatingIntegerPartitionQ   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DominatingIntegerPartitionQ[a, b] yields True if integer partition a dominates integer partition b, that is, the sum of a size-t prefix of a is no smaller than the sum of a ...
DurfeeSquare   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DurfeeSquare[p] gives the number of rows involved in the Durfee square of partition p, the side of the largest-sized square contained within the Ferrers diagram of p.
Eccentricity   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Eccentricity[g] gives the eccentricity of each vertex v of graph g, the maximum length among all shortest paths from v.
EdgeChromaticNumber   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
EdgeChromaticNumber[g] gives the fewest number of colors necessary to color each edge of graph g, so that no two edges incident on the same vertex have the same color.
EdgeColor   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
EdgeColor is an option that allows the user to associate colors with edges. Black is the default color. EdgeColor can be set as part of the graph data structure or in ...
EdgeDirection   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
EdgeDirection is an option that takes on values True or False allowing the user to specify whether the graph is directed or not. EdgeDirection can be set as part of the graph ...
EdgeLabelColor   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
EdgeLabelColor is an option that allows the user to associate different colors to edge labels. Black is the default color. EdgeLabelColor can be set as part of the graph data ...
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