Functions to pick out pieces of polynomials. Here is an algebraic expression. This gives the coefficient of x in e.
These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for common tasks related to algebraic computation in Mathematica .
Symbolic Computation Values for Symbols Transforming Algebraic Expressions
When Solve cannot find solutions in terms of radicals to polynomial equations, it returns a symbolic form of the result in terms of Root objects. You can get numerical ...
Structural Operations on Polynomials Finding the Structure of a Polynomial Polynomial Orderings
Mathematica normally assumes that variables which appear in equations can stand for arbitrary complex numbers. But when you use Reduce, you can explicitly tell Mathematica ...
Solving equations involving power series. Here is a power series. This gives an equation involving the power series.
AlgebraicUnitQ[a] yields True if a is an algebraic unit, and yields False otherwise.
DiscreteRiccatiSolve[{a, b}, {q, r}] gives the matrix x that is the stabilizing solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation ConjugateTranspose[a].x.a - x - ...
AlgebraicIntegerQ[a] yields True if a is an algebraic integer, and yields False otherwise.