Cyclotomic[n, x] gives the n\[Null]^th cyclotomic polynomial in x.
Structural operations on polynomials. Here is a polynomial in one variable. Expand expands out products and powers, writing the polynomial as a simple sum of terms.
Linear programming problems are optimization problems where the objective function and constraints are all linear. Mathematica has a collection of algorithms for solving ...
Mathematica handles both integers and real numbers with any number of digits, automatically tagging numerical precision when appropriate. Mathematica internally uses several ...
PowersRepresentations[n, k, p] gives the distinct representations of the integer n as a sum of k non-negative p\[Null]^th integer powers.
expr /. rules applies a rule or list of rules in an attempt to transform each subpart of an expression expr.
ContinuedFraction[x, n] generates a list of the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x. ContinuedFraction[x] generates a list of all terms that can be ...
Mathematica immediately allows you to do arithmetic not only with individual numbers, but also with arbitrary lists or arrays—as well as symbolic and algebraic forms. ...
Bringing together Mathematica's powerful capabilities in numerics, algebraic computation and now also geometric computation, Version 6.0 took the state of the art for ...
KalmanEstimator[ss, {w, v}] constructs the Kalman estimator for the StateSpaceModel object ss with process and measurement noise covariance matrices w and v. ...