Exclusions is an option that specifies where to exclude in regions used by functions like Plot, Plot3D, and NIntegrate.
RankedMax[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th largest element in list.
RankedMin[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th smallest element in list.
Mathematica has powerful capabilities for explicit signal processing with large volumes of data, imported and exported in many formats, and for symbolic analysis of signal ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Degree gives the number of radians in one degree. It has a numerical value of \[Pi]/180.
Following are two examples of nonlinear systems of ODEs that can be solved symbolically using DSolve. The first three equations in this system of four nonlinear ODEs can be ...
MathML is an XML-based markup language for representing mathematics. It was developed by the W3C to provide an effective way to display math in web pages and facilitate the ...
LQGRegulator[{ss, sensors, finputs}, {w, v, h}, {q, r, p}] constructs the optimal feedback regulator for the StateSpaceModel ss using noisy measurements sensors and feedback ...
PowerMod[a, b, m] gives a^b mod m. PowerMod[a, -1, m] finds the modular inverse of a modulo m.PowerMod[a, 1/r, m] finds a modular r\[Null]^th root of a.
PoincareSection is a setting for the option TrekGenerator that specifies that the Poincaré section for differential equations is used to generate treks.