HammingDistance[u, v] gives the Hamming distance between strings or vectors u and v.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) i ;; j represents a span of elements i through j.i ;; represents a span from i to the end.;; j represents a span from the beginning to j.;; represents a span that includes ...
CUDAArgMaxList[list] gives the index of the maximum element in list.
HilbertMatrix[n] gives the n*n Hilbert matrix with elements of the form 1/(i + j - 1).HilbertMatrix[{m, n}] gives the m*n Hilbert matrix.
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[m] tests whether m is a positive definite matrix.
Projection[u, v] finds the projection of the vector u onto the vector v.Projection[u, v, f] finds projections with respect to the inner product function f.
DiracDelta[x] represents the Dirac delta function \[Delta](x). DiracDelta[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac delta function \[Delta](x_1, x_2, ...).
Mathematica has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out parts of ...
KnotData[knot, " property"] gives the specified property for a knot.KnotData[knot] gives an image of the knot.KnotData["class"] gives a list of knots in the specified class.
VectorPlot[{v_x, v_y}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a vector plot of the vector field {v_x, v_y} as a function of x and y. VectorPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, {w_x, ...