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An integration strategy is an algorithm that attempts to compute integral estimates that satisfy user-specified precision or accuracy goals. An integration strategy normally ...
BitClear[n, k] sets to 0 the bit corresponding to the coefficient of 2^k in the integer n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitGet[n, k] gets the bit corresponding to the coefficient of 2^k in the integer n.
BitShiftRight[n, k] shifts the binary bits in the integer n to the right by k places, dropping bits that are shifted past the unit's position on the right. BitShiftRight[n] ...
CatalanNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th Catalan number C_n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinc[z] gives sinc(z).
Mathematica 6.0 defined a major new paradigm for computing, centered around the concept of the symbolic dynamic interface. Built on Mathematica's unique symbolic ...