1251 - 1260 of 4602 for algebraic functionsSearch Results
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OneIdentity   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
OneIdentity is an attribute that can be assigned to a symbol f to indicate that f[x], f[f[x]], etc. are all equivalent to x for the purpose of pattern matching.
New in 7.0: Computable Data   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica 7 delivers the latest fruits of Wolfram Research's major long-term Computable Data Initiative, providing immediate access to curated static and dynamic data in ...
Unset   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
lhs =. removes any rules defined for lhs.
KalmanEstimator   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
KalmanEstimator[ss, {w, v}] constructs the Kalman estimator for the StateSpaceModel object ss with process and measurement noise covariance matrices w and v. ...
Numerical Operations on Data   (Mathematica Overview)
Basic Statistics Descriptive Statistics Discrete Distributions
Work with Spline Functions Create Graphics with Spline Primitives Create Plots
Evaluate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Evaluate[expr] causes expr to be evaluated even if it appears as the argument of a function whose attributes specify that it should be held unevaluated.
Version 8.0 introduces new features to load functions from shared libraries, giving a new way to incorporate external code into Mathematica. It also adds support for GPU ...
StirlingS2   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StirlingS2[n, m] gives the Stirling number of the second kind \[ScriptCapitalS]_n^(m).
\[InvisibleApplication]   (Mathematica Character Name)
Unicode: F76D. Alias: Esc @ Esc. Structural element with built-in meaning. \[InvisibleApplication] is by default not visible on display, but is interpreted as function ...
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