A variety of moments or combinations of moments are used to summarize a distribution or data. Mean is used to indicate a center location, variance and standard deviation are ...
MathLink is a protocol for exchanging symbolic expressions. The Mathematica-level MathLink functions can be used with any MathLink-enabled external program, including ...
Pattern matching makes possible some of the most succinct and elegant programs in the Mathematica language—immediately compressing large numbers of conditional cases into ...
NumberFieldDiscriminant[a] gives the discriminant of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
Long used in its simplest form in mathematics, functional iteration is an elegant way to represent repeated operations. Mathematica's symbolic architecture makes powerful ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Root[f, k] represents the exact k\[Null]^th root of the polynomial equation f[x] == 0. Root[{f, x_0}] represents the exact root of the general equation f[x] == 0 near x = ...
Arithmetic Numerical Mathematics in Mathematica The Uncertainties of Numerical Mathematics
NumberFieldRegulator[a] gives the regulator of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
Differentiating a known function gives an explicit result. Differentiating an unknown function f gives a result in terms of f'. Mathematica applies the chain rule for ...
Finding the date and time. This gives the current date and time. The Mathematica DateList function returns whatever your computer system gives as the current date and time. ...