There are four kinds of bracketing used in Mathematica. Each kind of bracketing has a very different meaning. It is important that you remember all of them. The four kinds of ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Arg[z] gives the argument of the complex number z.
HarmonicNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th harmonic number H_n. HarmonicNumber[n, r] gives the harmonic number H_n^(r) of order r.
When searching for a real simple root of a real valued function, it is possible to take advantage of the special geometry of the problem, where the function crosses the axis ...
QHypergeometricPFQ[{a_1, ..., a_r}, {b_1, ..., b_s}, q, z] gives the basic hypergeometric series \[Null]_r \[Phi]_s (a; b; q; z).
The functions FindMinimum, FindMaximum, and FindRoot have the HoldAll attribute and so have special semantics for evaluation of their arguments. First, the variables are ...
GammaSimplify[expr] transforms gamma functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of gamma functions, or convert combinations of them into more elementary ...
PolyGammaSimplify[expr] transforms polygamma functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of polygamma functions, or convert combinations of them into more ...
PolyLogSimplify[expr] transforms polylogarithm functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of polylogarithm functions, or convert combinations of them into more ...
ZetaSimplify[expr] transforms zeta functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of zeta functions, or convert combinations of them into more elementary functions.