Suppose two functions have the same domain and different ranges. Plotting them together using Plot uses the same scale for the y values. To compare the functions, TwoAxisPlot ...
One of the most common uses of MathLink is to allow you to call functions in an external program from within Mathematica. Once the external program has been set up, all you ...
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
ContinuousAction is an option for Manipulate, Slider, and related functions that specifies whether action should be taken continuously while controls are being moved.
TextureCoordinateScaling is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies whether arguments supplied to a texture coordinate function should be scaled to lie ...
TakeWhile[list, crit] gives elements e_i from the beginning of list, continuing so long as crit[e_i] is True.
Mathematica provides convenient functions and algorithms for manipulating colors in images, with full generality for arbitrary numbers of color channels.
Compiled is an option for various numerical and plotting functions which specifies whether the expressions they work with should automatically be compiled.
Sometimes you may want to set up functions where certain arguments, if omitted, are given "default values". The pattern x_:v stands for an object that can be omitted, and if ...
(C Compiler Driver Package Tutorial) The C Compiler Driver package allows you to use a C compiler from within Mathematica. This section summarizes the functionality. This section summarizes the functions used to ...