RefreshRate is an option to Animate and related functions which specifies the refresh rate for frames in animations.
SawtoothWave[x] gives a sawtooth wave that varies from 0 to 1 with unit period.SawtoothWave[{min, max}, x] gives a sawtooth wave that varies from min to max with unit period.
SpellingCorrection is an option for StringMatchQ, Names, and related functions that specifies whether strings should be considered to match even when a small fraction of the ...
TextPacket[string] is a MathLink packet containing string, the text output from Mathematica as produced by functions such as Print.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) $Failed is a special symbol returned by certain functions when they cannot do what they were asked to do.
$PerformanceGoal gives the default setting for the option PerformanceGoal for graphics and other algorithmic functions.
Picking out elements of lists. We will use this list for the examples. Here is the last element of t.
Mathematica's symbolic representation of both graphics and controls makes it particularly easy to create click-interactive panels in which the user clicks or drags elements ...
DifferenceRootReduce[expr, n] attempts to reduce expr to a single DifferenceRoot object as a function of n.