SynchronousUpdating is an option for Manipulate, Dynamic, and related functions that specifies whether or not to evaluate their contents synchronously.
TrackedSymbols is an option to Refresh, Manipulate, and related functions that specifies which symbols should trigger updates when their values are changed.
Mathematica's core tree-oriented symbolic language makes it well suited to working with a hierarchical view of C code as Mathematica expressions. This supports the use of the ...
Differences[list] gives the successive differences of elements in list. Differences[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th differences of list. Differences[list, {n_1, n_2, ...}] ...
Partial differentiation operations. This gives ( ∂ ) / ( ∂x ) x^n. This gives the third derivative.
OpenCLLink allows Mathematica to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into Mathematica. ...
All the functionality of NumericalMath`ComputerArithmetic` is now available in the newly created Computer Arithmetic Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`GaussianQuadrature`is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NewtonCotes` is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NLimit` is now available in the newly created Numerical Calculus Package.