BernsteinBasis[d, n, x] represents the n\[Null]^th Bernstein basis function of degree d at x.
$MaxPiecewiseCases gives the maximum number of cases to allow in explicit Piecewise objects generated by expanding any single piecewise function.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`OrderStar` is now available in the newly created Function Approximations Package. OrderStar has been renamed OrderStarPlot. ...
Mathematica provides a uniquely integrated and automated environment for parallel computing. With zero configuration, full interactivity, and seamless local and network ...
ArithmeticGeometricMean[a, b] gives the arithmetic-geometric mean of a and b.
The functionality of RotateShape, TranslateShape, and AffineShape is provided by the newly added kernel functions Rotate, Translate, Scale and GeometricTransformation. ...
FiniteAbelianGroupCount[n] gives the number of finite Abelian groups of order n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Log2[x] gives the base-2 logarithm of x.
The utility functions FindMinimumPlot and FindRootPlot show search data for FindMinimum and FindRoot for one- and two-dimensional functions. They work with essentially the ...
ParallelCombine[f, h[e_1, e_2, ...], comb] evaluates f[h[e_1, e_2, ...]] in parallel by distributing parts of the computation to all parallel kernels and combining the ...