DefaultAxesStyle is a low-level option for graphics functions that specifies the default style to use in displaying axes and axes-like constructs.
RealBlockDiagonalForm is an option for SchurDecomposition and related functions which specifies whether 2*2 blocks of real values should be used on matrix diagonals in place ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Thread[f[args]] "threads" f over any lists that appear in args. Thread[f[args], h] threads f over any objects with head h that appear in args. Thread[f[args], h, n] threads f ...
Functions for grouping together elements of lists. Here is a list. This groups the elements of the list in pairs, throwing away the single element left at the end.
Mathematica usually keeps the elements of a list in exactly the order you originally entered them. If you want to treat a Mathematica list like a mathematical set, however, ...
Functions for rearranging lists. This sorts the elements of a list into a standard order. In simple cases like this, the order is alphabetical or numerical. This sorts the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Select[list, crit] picks out all elements e_i of list for which crit[e_i] is True. Select[list, crit, n] picks out the first n elements for which crit[e_i] is True.
Plotting an atmospheric property. This package provides support for plotting how U.S. Standard Atmosphere properties vary with altitude. This loads the package.
Mathematica provides not only automatic parallelization capabilities, but also a full built-in symbolic language for specifying concurrent computation.
Many times in statistical analysis you may need to know if a population mean is significantly different from some reference value. This is a type of t-test if the population ...