OpenCLLink allows Mathematica to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into Mathematica. ...
In any interactive session, Mathematica effectively operates in a loop. It waits for your input, processes the input, prints the result, then goes back to waiting for input ...
The general principle that Mathematica follows in evaluating expressions is to go on applying transformation rules until the expressions no longer change. This means, for ...
You can search for Mathematica help from within Mathematica or on the Wolfram Research websites. The complete documentation is available in every copy of Mathematica as well ...
You can use the standard differential equation solving function, NDSolve , to numerically solve delay differential equations with constant delays. It returns an interpolation ...
Harwell\[Dash]Boeing matrix format. Used for exchanging and storing sparse matrices. Plain text format. File format of the Harwell\[Dash]Boeing collection of standard test ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MATLAB MAT-files. Matrix data format. Native data format of the MATLAB numerical computation software. Stores numerical matrices, Boolean values, or strings. Binary format. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Matrix Market matrix format. Used for exchanging and storing test matrices. Plain text format. File format of the NIST Matrix Market collection of standard test matrices. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cross[a, b] gives the vector cross product of a and b.
IdentityMatrix[n] gives the n*n identity matrix.