Finding elements that match a pattern. This gives the elements of the list which match the pattern x^_. Here is the total number of elements which match the pattern.
CUDAColorNegate[image] performs color negation on image.CUDAColorNegate[list] performs color negation on list.CUDAColorNegate[mem] performs color negation on memory ...
CUDADilation[img, r] gives the morphological dilation of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDADilation[mem, r] gives the morphological dilation of list with respect to a ...
CUDAErosion[img, r] gives the morphological erosion of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDAErosion[list, r] gives the morphological erosion of list with respect to a ...
CUDAFold[f, x, list] gives the last element of CUDAFoldList[f, x, list].
CUDAOpening[img, r] gives the morphological opening of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDAOpening[list, r] gives the morphological opening of list with respect to a ...
There are a number of important interactions in Mathematica between evaluation and pattern matching. The first observation is that pattern matching is usually done on ...
IncludedScriptContexts is an option to GUIRun and related functions that can extend the active $ContextPath that Script blocks within a definition will use.
ReleaseMethod is an option to GUIRun and related functions that determines when a GUIObject is released.