The symbolic character of Mathematica graphics makes it straightforward to combine together different graphics constructs, both for presentation and interactive behavior—and ...
Mathematica supports industrial-strength automatic creation of full-featured web pages. Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture allows you to build up linked web page ...
Discrete distributions come from a variety of backgrounds, but perhaps the most common relate back to the simple Bernoulli trial, which chooses between two outcomes, called ...
The fundamental type of distribution in reliability analysis is a lifetime distribution. This models the lifetime of a component or a system. Many lifetime distributions are ...
Exponential and related distributions occur in a variety of contexts, such as reliability and communication. As such, a large number of extensions and variations of ...
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
Mathematica can import common terrain elevation files and render them as topographic maps. It can also import geospatial information formats that combine layers of raster, ...
Mathematica's graphics language is carefully designed to make it easy to control—both manually and programmatically—the detailed appearance and labeling of graphics, while ...
Of particular importance in handling high-throughput programmatic graphics are Mathematica's sophisticated mechanisms for controlling graphics size and shape—allowing ...
Heavy tail means that there is a larger probability of getting very large values. So heavy tail distributions typically represent wild as opposed to mild randomness. An ...