21 - 30 of 4602 for algebraic functionsSearch Results
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MeshFunctions   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MeshFunctions is an option for plotting functions that specifies functions to use to determine the placement of mesh divisions.
Algebraic Operations on Polynomials   (Mathematica Tutorial)
For many kinds of practical calculations, the only operations you will need to perform on polynomials are essentially structural ones. If you do more advanced algebra with ...
Functions like Factor usually assume that all coefficients in the polynomials they produce must involve only rational numbers. But by setting the option Extension you can ...
InverseFunctions   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
InverseFunctions is an option for Solve and related functions that specifies whether inverse functions should be used.
CUDA Functions   (CUDALink Tutorial)
CUDALink is a built-in Mathematica package that provides a simple and powerful interface for using CUDA within Mathematica's streamlined work flow. CUDALink provides you with ...
Inverse Functions   (Mathematica Guide)
Picking Out Pieces of Algebraic ...   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Functions to pick out pieces of polynomials. Here is an algebraic expression. This gives the coefficient of x in e.
Experimental Functions Package   (Experimental Package Guide)
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
Algebraics   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Algebraics represents the domain of algebraic numbers, as in x \[Element] Algebraics.
Numerical Functions   (Mathematica Guide)
Throughout Mathematica there is support not only for approximate real numbers, but also for exact numbers represented in algebraic or symbolic form. Functions like Floor, ...
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