Mathematica automatically handles hundreds of data formats and subformats—all coherently integrated through Mathematica's uniform use of symbolic expressions. For each ...
EdgeStyle is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what style to use for edges.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Epilog is an option for graphics functions that gives a list of graphics primitives to be rendered after the main part of the graphics is rendered.
VertexStyle is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what style to use for vertices.
Mathematica provides systemwide support for a large number of special characters. Each character has a name and a number of shortcut aliases. They are fully supported by the ...
Low-level functions for converting between expressions and boxes. MakeBoxes generates boxes without evaluating its input. MakeExpression interprets boxes but uses ...
Converting between symbols and their names. Here is the symbol x. Its name is a string.
DatabaseLink provides two styles of commands for working with data: one for those who are familiar with Mathematica and the other for those who are familiar with SQL. ...
Database schema and catalogs can be used to hold collections of database components and objects suitable for particular users. They can be particularly useful when working ...
OpenCLLink allows Mathematica to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into Mathematica. ...