ExtremeValueDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an extreme value distribution with location parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].
BinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a binomial distribution with n trials and success probability p.
CStandardMathOperator[oper, args] is a symbolic representation of a standard math operator.
All the functionality in Miscellaneous`PhysicalConstants` is now available through the newly created Physical Constants Package.
All the functionality of Miscellaneous`ResonanceAbsorptionLines`is now available in the newly created Resonance Absorption Lines Package.
The integrated visualization capabilities of Mathematica provide many tools to show data in 3D. The ability to plot points, surfaces, and contours, combined with the ...
Constant is an attribute that indicates zero derivative of a symbol with respect to all parameters.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Dt[f, x] gives the total derivative d f/d x. Dt[f] gives the total differential d f. Dt[f, {x, n}] gives the multiple derivative d^n f/d x^n. Dt[f, x_1, x_2, ...] gives d/d ...
$RecursionLimit gives the current limit on the number of levels of recursion that Mathematica can use.
In many computations you are concerned only with the final result of evaluating the expression given as input. But sometimes you also want to collect expressions that were ...