(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MPS mathematical file format. De facto standard for specifying linear programming (LP) problems. Commonly used as input format by LP solvers. MPS is an acronym for ...
StandardDeviation[list] gives the sample standard deviation of the elements in list. StandardDeviation[dist] gives the standard deviation of the symbolic distribution dist.
Variance[list] gives the sample variance of the elements in list. Variance[dist] gives the variance of the symbolic distribution dist.
CUDABoxFilter[img, r] gives the box filter of img with radius r.CUDABoxFilter[list, r] gives the box filter of list with radius r.CUDABoxFilter[mem, r] gives the box filter ...
CUDAClamp[lst] clamps the values of lst between automatically determined values.CUDAClamp[lst, low, high] clamps the values of lst between low and high.
CUDAImageDivide[img, x] divides each channel value in img by an amount x.CUDAImageDivide[mem, x] divides each channel value in mem by an amount x.CUDAImageDivide[img 1, img ...
CUDAImageSubtract[img, x] subtracts an amount x from each channel value in img.CUDAImageSubtract[mem, x] subtracts an amount x from each channel value in ...
The Graph Utilities Package contains a number of functions useful for graph theory applications. Functions in the Graph Utilities Package. This loads the package.
WaringYuleDistribution[\[Alpha]] represents the Yule distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha].WaringYuleDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents the Waring distribution ...
ParallelTable[expr, {i_max}] generates in parallel a list of i_max copies of expr.ParallelTable[expr, {i, i_max}] generates in parallel a list of the values of expr when i ...