HankelH2[n, z] gives the Hankel function of the second kind H_n^(2)(z).
InverseJacobiSN[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function sn -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
DedekindEta[\[Tau]] gives the Dedekind eta modular elliptic function \[Eta](\[Tau]).
HankelH1[n, z] gives the Hankel function of the first kind H_n^(1)(z).
The function NDSolve discussed in "Numerical Differential Equations" allows you to find numerical solutions to differential equations. NDSolve handles both single ...
LegendreQ[n, z] gives the Legendre function of the second kind Q_n (z). LegendreQ[n, m, z] gives the associated Legendre function of the second kind Q_n^m(z).
Mathematica 7 represents another major achievement in Mathematica's long history of innovation in mathematics and algorithms. Building on the broad capabilities of ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) RSolve[eqn, a[n], n] solves a recurrence equation for a[n]. RSolve[{eqn_1, eqn_2, ...}, {a_1[n], a_2[n], ...}, n] solves a system of recurrence equations. RSolve[eqn, a[n_1, ...
Composition[f_1, f_2, f_3, ...] represents a composition of the functions f_1, f_2, f_3, ....
Mathematica's symbolic architecture and sophisticated mathematical capabilities allow it to take a uniquely high-level approach to geometric transformations—supporting ...