OpenCLMersenneTwister[n] generates n random reals using the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
Mathematica provides several convenient methods for extracting and manipulating parts of matrices. The flexible [[ ]] (Part) and ;; (Span) syntaxes provide compact yet ...
Lists are at the core of Mathematica 's symbolic language. These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for common tasks related to creating and manipulating lists.
GroupMultiplicationTable[group] gives the multiplication table of group as an array.
The Wolfram Workbench is a development environment for Mathematica. Some of its features include the following. The Workbench contains a number of useful features for working ...
An important subset of optimization problems is constrained nonlinear optimization, where the function is not linear and the parameter values are constrained to certain ...
Mathematica offers support for a large number of file formats for importing, exporting, or other operations. It has several standard locations where it looks for files. You ...
MATHEMATICA HOW TO Tutorials » Options for Graphics Density and Contour Plots Three-Dimensional Surface Plots See Also » VectorPlot VectorDensityPlot ListVectorPlot ...
Shorthand notations are a part of Mathematica 's rich syntax system that allows multiple ways to feed arguments to functions. In addition to creating compact code, using ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/bmp BMP Windows bitmap format. Raster image format. Native bitmap format of the Microsoft Windows operating system. BMP is an acronym derived from Bitmap. ...