(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Moment[list, r] gives the r\[Null]^th sample moment of the elements in list.Moment[dist, r] gives the r\[Null]^th moment of the symbolic distribution dist.Moment[..., {r_1, ...
ProbabilityDistribution[pdf, {x, x_min, x_max}] represents the continuous distribution with PDF pdf in the variable x where the pdf is taken to be zero for x < x_min and x > ...
int MLPutRawData (MLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l) puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length l bytes to link.
Computational geometry is the study of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems. The nearest neighbor problem involves identifying one point, out of a set of ...
DiscretePlot3D[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}, {j, j_min, j_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr when i runs from i_min to i_max and j runs from j_min to ...
TruncatedDistribution[{x_min, x_max}, dist] represents the distribution obtained by truncating the values of dist to lie between x_min and ...
int MLGetRealList (MLINK link, double ** a, long *n) gets a list of floating-point numbers from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the numbers in the array a ...
PearsonDistribution[a_1, a_0, b_2, b_1, b_0] represents a distribution of the Pearson family with parameters a_1, a_0, b_2, b_1, and b_0.PearsonDistribution[type, a_1, a_0, ...
StationaryWaveletPacketTransform[data] gives the stationary wavelet packet transform (SWPT) of an array of data.StationaryWaveletPacketTransform[data, wave] gives the ...
TransformedDistribution[expr, x \[Distributed] dist] represents the transformed distribution of expr where the random variable x follows the distribution ...