PrincipalComponents[matrix] transforms elements of matrix into unscaled principal components.
Mathematica 8 adds major new areas, including probability and statistics, graphs and networks, computational finance, control systems, wavelet analysis, and group theory. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Array[f, n] generates a list of length n, with elements f[i]. Array[f, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists, with elements f[i_1, i_2, ...]. ...
Consider the matrix differential equation where the initial value y_0 y(0)∈^m×p is given. Assume that y_0^Ty_0I, that the solution has the property of preserving ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Exists[x, expr] represents the statement that there exists a value of x for which expr is True. Exists[x, cond, expr] states that there exists an x satisfying the condition ...
BooleanMinimize[expr] finds a minimal-length disjunctive normal form representation of expr.BooleanMinimize[expr, form] finds a minimal-length representation for expr in the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sum[f, {i, i_max}] evaluates the sum \[Sum]i = 1 i_max f. Sum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = i_min. Sum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses steps d i. Sum[f, {i, {i_1, i_2, ...
A Mathematica script is simply a file containing Mathematica commands that you would normally evaluate sequentially in a Mathematica session. Writing a script is useful if ...
Even with "Newton methods" where the local model is based on the actual Hessian, unless you are close to a root or minimum, the model step may not bring you any closer to the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cubics is an option for functions that involve solving algebraic equations, that specifies whether explicit forms for solutions to cubic equations should be given.