Mathematica includes functions for performing a variety of specific algebraic transformations. Some are algorithmically straightforward; others include highly sophisticated ...
AlgebraicNumberPolynomial[a, x] gives the polynomial in x corresponding to the AlgebraicNumber object a.
$MaxRootDegree specifies the maximum degree of polynomial to allow in Root objects.
RootOfUnityQ[a] yields True if a is a root of unity, and yields False otherwise.
AlgebraicNumberNorm[a] gives the norm of the algebraic number a.
$RootDirectory gives the root directory of your file system.
NSolve gives you a general way to find numerical approximations to the solutions of polynomial equations. Finding numerical solutions to more general equations, however, can ...
RootMeanSquare[list] gives the root mean square of values in list.
RootReduce[expr] attempts to reduce expr to a single Root object.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sqrt[z] or Sqrt[z] gives the square root of z.