PolynomialGCD[poly_1, poly_2, ...] gives the greatest common divisor of the polynomials poly_i. PolynomialGCD[poly_1, poly_2, ..., Modulus -> p] evaluates the GCD modulo the ...
BaseStyle is an option for formatting and related constructs that specifies the base style to use for them.
Mathematica handles formulas of all types, from polynomials with millions of terms to complex combinations of higher mathematical functions. It provides powerful general ...
New function SemialgebraicComponentInstances has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
The function NDSolve discussed in "Numerical Differential Equations" allows you to find numerical solutions to differential equations. NDSolve handles both single ...
You can use the Mathematica function DSolve to find symbolic solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations. Solving a differential equation consists essentially in ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DSolve[eqn, y, x] solves a differential equation for the function y, with independent variable x. DSolve[{eqn_1, eqn_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}, x] solves a list of ...
Extension is an option for various polynomial and algebraic functions that specifies generators for the algebraic number field to be used.
RiccatiSolve[{a, b}, {q, r}] gives the matrix x that is the stabilizing solution of the continuous algebraic Riccati equation ConjugateTranspose[a].x + x.a - ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NDSolve[eqns, y, {x, x_min, x_max}] finds a numerical solution to the ordinary differential equations eqns for the function y with the independent variable x in the range ...