FindInstance[expr, vars] finds an instance of vars that makes the statement expr be True. FindInstance[expr, vars, dom] finds an instance over the domain dom. Common choices ...
Eigenvalues[m] gives a list of the eigenvalues of the square matrix m. Eigenvalues[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvalues of m with respect to a. Eigenvalues[m, k] gives ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Resolve[expr] attempts to resolve expr into a form that eliminates ForAll and Exists quantifiers. Resolve[expr, dom] works over the domain dom. Common choices of dom are ...
"How to" Topics Numbers Algebraic Calculations
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs == rhs returns True if lhs and rhs are identical.
Using the latest platform-optimized code, Mathematica not only delivers high-efficiency machine-precision evaluation of elementary functions, but also—using a number of ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x^y gives x to the power y.
Mathematica's graphics language is carefully designed to make it easy to control—both manually and programmatically—the detailed appearance and labeling of graphics, while ...
Version 6.0 added hundreds of new options for formatting and styling —supporting Version 6.0's major advances in dynamic interactivity, interoperability, interface ...
Maximize[f, x] maximizes f with respect to x.Maximize[f, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f with respect to x, y, .... Maximize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f subject to the ...